Palmist Body Wash

Palmist Body Wash

Who doesnt want smooth and soft skin after every wash. PALMIST Body Wash is Sulfate free that works to restore your skins natural pH balance, lowering the risk of blemishes and breakouts leaving your skin soft, smooth and supple. The thick gel formulation ensures optimum nourishment to the dry and dull skin. It is enriched with Aloe Vera Extract which deeply nourishes the skin, reduces irritation and protects against dehydration. Aloe vera is full of amino acids, enzymes, and minerals like calcium and magnesium that contribute to youthful, vibrant skin.


It's rich-lather body wash, which leaves you feeling refreshed and relaxed. Provides odour protection with its soothing fragrance. Contains herbal ingredients. Body wash contains anti-ageing and rejuvenating properties Apply gently over wet skin, cleanse and then rinse off with water. Ideal for men and women. For all skin types. Country of Origin : India


Healthcare Products


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However, in the unlikely event of a damaged, defective or different/wrong item delivered to you, we will provide a full refund or free replacement as applicable. We may contact you to ascertain the damage or defect in the product prior to issuing refund/replacement.

Palmist Body Wash

Palmist Body Wash



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